
Tabletalk Magazine, May 1995: Deuteronomy: God’s Law for Us is unavailable, but you can change that!

Tabletalk magazine was formed in 1977 to provide a substantive study tool for believers. Though its format has changed over the years, Tabletalk continues to challenge and encourage readers to dig deeper into the Word of God in order that their lives may be transformed through the renewing of their minds (Rom. 12:1–2). Daily Bible studies are the method for taking readers through the Bible, while...

Law. Traditionally, we call these the moral, ceremonial, and judicial aspects of the Torah. The moral dimension of God’s Law shows us what we should be like, how we should live and act. The ceremonial dimension of God’s Law shows us how we should approach Him in worship, and defines our sin and Christ’s payment of the penalty for sin (through the animal sacrifices). Finally, the judicial dimension of God’s Law shows us how we should rule the world. In the church, we speak of these three dimensions
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